Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mother Nature's Little Gifts

It's amazing to me, when you least expect it, Mother Nature will show up on your doorstep with a little surprise. This little guy was just having a little feast by our patio door the other night on moths etc. I was actually a little shocked looking at him barely an inch this little froggie looked more like he should be in a tropical jungle than in Canada. This brings me to thinking, we should all take the time stop and look around at our surroundings, life is so fast paced that we need to slow down and get back to nature. Take the time and enjoy.


  1. I love toads and frogs-this guy's a little cutie!

  2. Amen. Everybody needs to pay attention to nature.

  3. He´s adorable. I always love it when I come home in the evening and see toads or frogs up by my front door. Plus I have a small pond/water feature in my yard and there are always some out there. I love to hear them and watch them.
    Thanks for posting.

  4. Oh, how cute! Tree frogs actually get pretty far north; they are amazing critters!

  5. Such a cute little guy! Thank you for the reminder to take the time to look around. I tell that to my kids when we camp and then forget to do it myself in my day-to-day life.

    Have a wonderful week,

